Plan. Execute. Document.

Make your infrastructure and construction projects easy.

Productivity tools to minimize complexity and risk, save time, and reduce cost


Optimize Planning

Accelerate workflow by visualizing existing and proposed assets in real time using precision augmented reality (AR) and digital twin.

Accelerate Execution

Ensure safe excavation, quick decisions, and address unplanned challenges by deploying construction-grade augmented reality.

Digitize As-Builts

Create and share high-accurate digital as-builts (3D scans, photos, and vector data) in minutes without survey crews.

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Designed for Your Industry

vSite solutions are optimized for these industries.

Subsurface Infrastructure Projects

Plan, execute, and document as-built at all project stages using a single intuitive tool. Document construction progress and as-builts with advanced 3D technology, enhancing accuracy and efficiency without involving surveying crews.

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Utility Locates

Plan, document, and report locates. Save time and improve deliverables with an easy-to-use mobile system to perform and document locates, producing job reports that can be instantly shared with clients.

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Infrastructure and Civil Engineering Projects

Reduce errors, minimize rework, increase transparency, and drastically decrease project delays with a single, reliable, 3D view of what is being built and where. All information/CDEs integrated in one place, linked to location, and instantly accessible from anywhere.

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Real-Time QC with AR/MR

Perform real-time QC using vGIS's construction-grade AR. Instantly check installation accuracy using holographic visuals of your BIM model positioned with sub-cm accuracy on-site.

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Product Videos

Software for Your Infrastructure Projects

Construction-Grade Augmented Reality

A quick overview of vSite - an infrastructure management platform from vGIS Inc. The system is deployed to address multiple aspects of a typical construction project – from planning to project execution to documentation.

A high-level overview of vSite AR. The AR component of vSite is designed for AEC companies, public utilities, municipalities, and service providers to aggregate and seamlessly convert 2D GIS, 3D BIM and Reality Capture data from Autodesk BIM360, Bentley iTwin, Esri ArcGIS, and other formats into powerful, accurate, and stable 3D visuals.

vGIS has pioneered the high-accuracy mixed reality technology, allowing organizations like ours to literally 'see' underground utility locations, in the field. Truly innovative, truly transformative.
  • Len Bundra, Director of GIS and IT
  • Toms River MUA

vGIS Partners

Are you looking to partner with vGIS?

Click the button below to learn more about the vGIS Partner Program.

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Awards and Recognition

vGIS is a recipient of these and many other industry awards.

Additional Information

Hosting and Security

Several hosting and security options to comply with the most stringent security requirements

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GNSS and Localization

Survey-grade (up to 1cm) augmented reality with compatible GNSS and positioning devices

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Technical Specification

Supported formats, devices and other technical specs

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